Making Meaningful Change | GR Farms
Garrett Riekhof, owner of GR Farms in Higginsville, MO, implemented the Maximum Farming System® after suspecting he was wasting dollars on conventional fertilizer use. “I still am very confident [...]
Garrett Riekhof, owner of GR Farms in Higginsville, MO, implemented the Maximum Farming System® after suspecting he was wasting dollars on conventional fertilizer use. “I still am very confident [...]
Hilltop Acres Farm is an eighth-generation Brown Swiss dairy farm set in the rolling hills of Calmar, IA. They have been utilizing the Maximum Farming System® for over a decade to grow the [...]
Timing of nutrition for winter wheat can make or break a crop. In this interview, Ag Spectrum Farm Manager Consultant Pat Tomlinson and Research & Teaching Agronomist Dr. Jim Smart discuss [...]